Hyugaut >> That Yagudo is soooo going down!
>> Hyugaut: Hehe... Did you get some equip?
Hyugaut >> Of course not... I have... hmmmm.... 976 gil.
>> Hyugaut: Well... you have your RSE lvl 1.
Hyugaut >> My what?!?
>> Hyugaut: Your Race Specific Equipment... that equip you started the game with.
Hyugaut >> Oh... true... but, meh... it's too far away. I'm going naked!
>> Hyugaut: The Mog House is close by! You're just gonna get yourself killed again!
Hyugaut >> No, I'm not.
>> Hyugaut: >.>;;;
With that, I headed out to West Sarutabaruta and north to where I had died. And there was the freaking Yagudo Scribe that had killed me. So, I ctrl+c him.
The Yagudo Scribe seems to be tough.
Tough... right. So I started wondering if I would be able to kill it, when a little Mandragora passed running close by. So, I ctrl+c it.
The Mandragora seems to be an easy prey.
Easy prey.... hmmm... that's when a war started going on inside my head: go for the freaking yag that had killed me or go kill easy prey mandies until I get my level back? So I was there pondering if I should play safe or go for revenge as fast as I could when I feel an odd breeze behind my back. Then, something got me and took like 10% of my HP away. I turned around to see what the hell was going on just to see a Goblin Thug attacking me. Another ctrl+c.
The Goblin Thug seems to be a decent challenge.
What does that damn goblin was thinking? Interrupting my line of thought like that... he had to go down!
Well, actually it was not like I had any other choice. It was a matter of either I killing him or he killing me. But it didn't matter at the time.
The Goblin Thug hits Jessbond for 6 HP.
Jessbond starts casting Cure.
Jessbond recovers 16 HP.
Then I engaged it and it was a quite easy battle even though I was naked. The goblin went down fast and now that I remembered that I have Cure, things went much more smoothly.
Jessbond gains 72 experience points.
Nice!!! Just more 50 to go and I would be level 7 again!
So I thought it was better to go with the safe path and kill more easy preys and decent challenges to level and have some equip before I'd revenge myself. And it went pretty fast: two more easy prey mandies and:
Jessbond attaing level 7.
Mwahuahuahua... now that Yagudo don't have any chance!!! With my equip and my newly discovered healing skills, I'd beat him in no time at all!
So with a war scream, I attacked the Yagudo Scribe. It was a Dia, Cure and sword swinging festival. It really had no chance. Soon enough, it was lying on the floor as I happilly celebrated my victory!
Jessbond defeats the Yagudo Scribe.
Jessbond gains 100 experience points.
Sure... I know what you're thinking...
You thought I'd die again, don't you?
Well, you just gotta believe me when I say: I am not THAT noob.
Hyugaut >> It's dead!
>> Hyugaut: Who? You?
Hyugaut >> .....
Hyugaut >> of course not, stupid! The yagudo!!! And I am level 7 again!!!
>> Hyugaut: Nice! :) <Congratulations!>
With my new skills, level 10 came fast. And I had enough of the West Sarutabaruta monsters. They weren't giving me good experience points anymore and I was tired of killing the same mobs over and over again.
Hyugaut >> I'm level 10!
>> Hyugaut: <Congratulations!>
Hyugaut >> But now this place sucks for my exp... What should I do?
>> Hyugaut: You should go party in Dunes... or go to <Tahrongi Canyon>.
Hyugaut >> Nooo... I don't wanna party!! :( How do I get to Tahrongi Canyon?
>> Hyugaut: Go east to East Sarutabaruta, then north.
>> Hyugaut: By the way, someday you will have to party anyway!
Hyugaut >> No, I won't!
>> Hyugaut: This game is all about partying and doing things together, lol... You will!!
Hyugaut >> I can do things with you...
>> Hyugaut: We'll need more people. lol
Hyugaut >> >.<;;;
So I stopped by Windy to sell some stuff and get new equips and some spells and head off to East Sarutabaruta and then finally Tahrongi Canyon.The Goblin Thug seems to be a decent challenge.
What does that damn goblin was thinking? Interrupting my line of thought like that... he had to go down!
Well, actually it was not like I had any other choice. It was a matter of either I killing him or he killing me. But it didn't matter at the time.
The Goblin Thug hits Jessbond for 6 HP.
Jessbond starts casting Cure.
Jessbond recovers 16 HP.
Then I engaged it and it was a quite easy battle even though I was naked. The goblin went down fast and now that I remembered that I have Cure, things went much more smoothly.
Jessbond gains 72 experience points.
Nice!!! Just more 50 to go and I would be level 7 again!
So I thought it was better to go with the safe path and kill more easy preys and decent challenges to level and have some equip before I'd revenge myself. And it went pretty fast: two more easy prey mandies and:
Jessbond attaing level 7.
Mwahuahuahua... now that Yagudo don't have any chance!!! With my equip and my newly discovered healing skills, I'd beat him in no time at all!
So with a war scream, I attacked the Yagudo Scribe. It was a Dia, Cure and sword swinging festival. It really had no chance. Soon enough, it was lying on the floor as I happilly celebrated my victory!
Jessbond defeats the Yagudo Scribe.
Jessbond gains 100 experience points.
Sure... I know what you're thinking...
You thought I'd die again, don't you?
Well, you just gotta believe me when I say: I am not THAT noob.
Hyugaut >> It's dead!
>> Hyugaut: Who? You?
Hyugaut >> .....
Hyugaut >> of course not, stupid! The yagudo!!! And I am level 7 again!!!
>> Hyugaut: Nice! :) <Congratulations!>
With my new skills, level 10 came fast. And I had enough of the West Sarutabaruta monsters. They weren't giving me good experience points anymore and I was tired of killing the same mobs over and over again.
Hyugaut >> I'm level 10!
>> Hyugaut: <Congratulations!>
Hyugaut >> But now this place sucks for my exp... What should I do?
>> Hyugaut: You should go party in Dunes... or go to <Tahrongi Canyon>.
Hyugaut >> Nooo... I don't wanna party!! :( How do I get to Tahrongi Canyon?
>> Hyugaut: Go east to East Sarutabaruta, then north.
>> Hyugaut: By the way, someday you will have to party anyway!
Hyugaut >> No, I won't!
>> Hyugaut: This game is all about partying and doing things together, lol... You will!!
Hyugaut >> I can do things with you...
>> Hyugaut: We'll need more people. lol
Hyugaut >> >.<;;;
Hyugaut >> OMG... this is far...
>> Hyugaut: Tahrongi Canyon?? lol... you've seen nothing.
Hyugaut >> Damn it! Everything is far in this game! ; ;
>> Hyugaut: Keep on leveling up and things will get easier!
Hyugaut >> Sure...
So... in that new area, I kept killing mobs after mobs and was already level 13 when another adventure passed by. His name was Jackskellignton.
Jackskellington: Hi.
Jessbond: <Hello!>
Jackslellington: How are you?
Jessbond: Good. And you?
Jackskellington: I'm great.
At this time, I was already wondering what the hell did he want with that small talk.
Jackskellington: nice... you're level 13! Wanna join me? We can kill things faster...
Ah... he wanted to party... But I really didn't want to.
Jessbond: <I'm sorry. I'm playing solo right now.>
Maybe I was being rude... but really... I didn't care. I didn't want someone bothering me.
Jackskellington: Hmmm... ok. I'll just stay here and we can keep killing things together even though not in the same party.
Great... that was exactly what I want....
Jackskellington: Hey, I just noticed you have no pearl. Do you want to join my Linkshell?
Well, that was unexpected. I've been dying to have a Linkshell since I started to play. I always found it so cool to have those pearls beside your name and all. I guess I'll give the guy a chance.
Jessbond: Sure! :)
Jackskellington wishes to trade with you.
Trade complete.
So, there I was showing off my new shiny linkshell pearl by my name. My very first linkshell pearl... The Linkshell was named..... hmmm.... it was named ...... oh, well. I am sure it was some neat name. I just can't remember... at all. So I looked at the linkshell list. 5 people online. It was one of those huge linkshells, I could feel it.
Jackskellington: Are you sure you dont wanna party now?
Jessbond: err... I guess we can.
I finally gave up and teamed up for a duo. We kept going and things went smoothly and I got to level 15.
Jackskelington > This monsters are too weak already. We should go to Valkurn Dunes to party and get better exp.
Jessbond > But I don't want to party.
Jackskelington > are you sure? Because I am going...
Jessbond > no problems...
And then he went out. I was not sure of what to do, but I was sure as hell I didn't want to party...
Now you may ask, why I was so much against parties. Here are a few reasons:
1- I am not a very social type of person.
2- I wanted to play with Hyu and not with some random people.
3- This is the most important one: I was already lagging like hell by myself. The more people I had around me, the more the game looked like it was having epilepsy.
I KNEW I wouldn't be able to play in a party. So I was trying hard to avoid it as much as I could. So, I went to Hyu to ask what were my options at the moment.
Hyugaut >> I'm level 15! Where can I go get some experience points?
>> Hyugaut: <Hmmm.> You should go party in <Valkurn Dunes >.
Hyugaut >> But....
>> Hyugaut: I said you'd have to party someday...
Hyugaut >> But..........................
>> Hyugaut: lol! Go already!
Hyugaut >> ; ; ...... ok....... how do I do that?
>> Hyugaut: You have to get a boat in <Mhaura> to go to <Selbina> and then <Valkurn Dunes >.
Hyugaut >> oh, wow... I'm confused. Can you repeat that? Slooooooowly.
>> Hyugaut: You have to get a boat in <Mhaura> to go to <Selbina> and then <Valkurn Dunes>.
Hyugaut >> ok, didn't help much.
>> Hyugaut: lmao, ok, I'll take you there.
So, Hyu teleported to Tahrongi Canyon and showed me the way to the crag, so I could get a crystal to be able to teleport there.
Hyugaut >> This is neat! Now I don't need to walk all this way from Windurst to Tahrongi!
>> Hyugaut: Yeah, you just have to find someone to teleport you.
Hyugaut >> You, of course...
>> Hyugaut: Errr.... nope
Hyugaut >> Of course you will XD
After that, he guided me to Buburimu Peninsula and finally to Mhaura where we waited for a boat. When it arrived, we boarded it and it was a nice and beautiful trip. I was loving it! And no, I was not in the wrong boat... there was no such thing as a boat to Al Zhabi. And I was still level 15. Good old times... (who am I fooling? I love Whitegate!)
>> Hyugaut: I want pirates!
Hyugaut >> Huh?
>> Hyugaut: This boat is attacked by pirates sometimes...
Hyugaut >> Ahhh... but... I don't want to die... I'm just 35 into level!
>> Hyugaut: well... if they really appear, that might happen.
At that time, Hyu was still around level 60-something (yeah, what a noob!). As I found out later, we would need two BLM/RDM 75 to kill the pirates. So I was glad when nothing happened and no pirates appeared during the trip. We finally got to Selbina, the great city that welcomes every noob that got tired of dying in the Dunes. The only thing is, I didn't know that by then, but I would surely find out soon...
Will Jessbond have a swift and fast journey through the Dunes? Or will she get killed by goblins way too much? Will she finally be able to get a subjob? For that and much more, stay tuned for the next chapter!